27 December, 2013

Let me google that for you

It is very helpful to me to give intro. any link with some different way.

Sometimes i give this link My Introduction with Google to my new friends or others who is unknown with me.

Let's Try:

let methat for you

Just go to http://lmgtfy.com/ and write that you want to search then share link which is given to you.

This is for all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than google it for themselves.

Created by @coderifous and @rmm5t.

Inspired during a lunch conversation with @coderifous@tmassing@rmm5t@EricStrattonand @methodvon.

Create your About Us and Share Online

Creating a beautiful, personalized web presence has never been simpler.

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About.me makes it easy for people to learn about you and find your content on the web.

It is About Me.

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About Us Believes:

about.me believes that you should own your own identity. That your identity should be both projected and protected. It should encompass the different facets of your life. It should be portable and universally accessible. And most importantly, it should be easy to create and manage.

Benefits of using about.me:
  • Build Your Online Presence
  • Public Profile
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  • Helps in a Job Search
  • Personal Homepage
  • Central Point of Contact

05 December, 2013

Most Common Places Where People Lose Him/Her Cell Phones

Where do People Lose their Mobile Phones

Lookout, a company that develops security and tracking software for mobile phones, has released a report illustrating the top ten locations where one is most likely to lose their cell phone.
Airplane seat pockets, buses, subway trains and the taxi seats are among the most likely places where people lose their cell phones and the unfortunate part is that the chance of recovering the phone in these places is extremely low. People also seem to forget their phones at the Airport security scanner but the recover chances are pretty good in that case.

Most Common Places Where People Lose Him/Her Cell Phones